
an iphone and braille educational device

Taptilo is an interactive braille education tool that makes learning braille easy and fun for beginners and is used by schools and teachers of students with visual impairment.

Taptilo and its companion app were first launched in 2017 with a goal to de-mystify braille education by making it as fun and easy as possible. However, the existing app did not accurately convey this brand message and parts of its user experience were unpolished. We set out to create a new design system for the app that could convey the values of simplicity and fun, while helping users have more control over their learning journey.

We had three goals:

  1. Align user experience with brand voice and identity
  2. Make content easily accessible and give users more control
  3. Improve usability for visually impaired and sighted users

I led design and strategy and worked on all aspects of UX and UI design. I worked closely our software engineers to define requirements and implement the final designs.


Learning braille doesn't have to be boring anymore! Play and learn with Taptilo, packed with fun and engaging activities that will make you fall in love with braille instantly. Customize your learning journey with Taptilo+ (Taptilo Plus).


Process and Methodology

Interviews & site visits

To gain deeper insight of user pain points, I conducted an in-depth interviews with a teacher and observed teacher-student interaction in braille classes.

Content development

I collaborated with teachers and experts in braille to restructure the curriculum in English and Korean, which I then incorporated into the content structure of the app.

Optimizing for accessibility

I worked closely with our accessibility specialist and app developer to apply accessibility guidelines to the iOS and Android app.


Impact and next steps

The new app design helped deliver a consistent user experience aligned with the brand message of fun and simplicity, which increased user and stakeholder engagement. Users loved the ease of access to a structured curriculum and flexibility of adding their own content. This helped make Taptilo stand out from other similar products. As we continued to gather more feedback, we found out more ways to improve upon this version, which led to the Taptilo 4.0 project introduced in earlier pages.


  • When: July 2018 - Oct 2018
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Collaborators: Software and embedded engineers